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× Questions about G400/G410 Cards.

USSD Balance credits

12 years 5 months ago #7779 by Joe.Yung
Type the below commands step by step please:
A. gsm send at 1 “at+cscs=\”gsm\"" (where 1 is the span number)

B. gsm send at 1 at+cusd=1

C. gsm send at 1 atdt*142# (*142# is might different from different service providers or countries)

After sending the command C. You will get the account information(including balance) on the console.

12 years 5 months ago #7784 by Easy
It's not always 100% correct:
S0*CLI> gsm send at 1 at+cscs=\"gsm\""


S0*CLI> gsm send at 1 at+cusd=1


S0*CLI> gsm send at 1 atdt*142#

+CSQN: 16, 6

S0*CLI> gsm debug span 1
Enabled debugging on span 1
S0*CLI> gsm send at 1 atdt*142#
                1:<<< 0 atdt*142# -- +CSQN: 11, 5 , 12

+CSQN: 11, 5

                1:<<< 0 atdt*142# -- +CUSD: 2,"Your account is X.XX.....",15 , 167
                1:<<< 1 atdt*142# -- OK , 2
12 years 5 months ago #7785 by Easy
Generally speaking it's a bug in chan-extra. It always passes the first received line from modem as an answer. To fix it - simply check return lines. They have codes in them, as +CUSD: in this case. So there is no mandatory requirement for the modem to give an actual reply in the first line.
12 years 5 months ago #7787 by f1700
Changed the span to 2 which is my case, but it gave error in the first row!

voip*CLI> gsm send at 2 at+cscs=\"gsm\""
<<< 0 at+cscs="gsm" -- +CME ERROR: +CSCS type not found , 32

Thank you very much.
12 years 5 months ago #7788 by f1700
the command without the quotes generates the following error:

voip*CLI> gsm send at 2 at+cscs=gsm
<<< 0 at+cscs=gsm -- ERROR , 5
12 years 5 months ago #7790 by f1700
The problem of command was the "space". I managed, but the result is in HEX?

voip*CLI> gsm send at 2 AT + CSCS="GSM"
<<< 0 AT -- OK , 2


voip*CLI> gsm send at 2 AT + CUSD = 1
<<< 0 AT -- OK , 2


gsm send at 2 ATDT*544#
<<< 0 ATDT*544# -- +CSQN: 15,0 , 11
<<< 0 ATDT*544# -- +CUSD: 0,"00530061006C0064006F00200065006D0020006300720065006400690074006F007300200064006500200052002400200030002E00300034002000760061006C00690064006F00730020006100740065002000300032002F00300032002F0032003000310032002E00200043006F006E00730075006C0074006500200073006500750073002000730061006C0064006F0073002000700072006F006D006F00630069006F006E0061006900730020006C006900670061006E0064006F002000670072006100740075006900740061006D0065006E007400650020002A0035003400360023",15 , 470
<<< 1 ATDT*544# -- OK , 2

+CUSD: 0,"00530061006C0064006F00200065006D0020006300720065006400690074006F007300200064006500200052002400200030002E00300034002000760061006C00690064006F00730020006100740065002000300032002F00300032002F0032003000310032002E00200043006F006E00730075006C0074006500200073006500750073002000730061006C0064006F0073002000700072006F006D006F00630069006F006E0061006900730020006C006900670061006E0064006F002000670072006100740075006900740061006D0065006E007400650020002A0035003400360023",15

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